Software Release Notes
Feb 2024
Introduction of payment gateway for tournament registration offering cred card or PayPal payment options (powered by Braintree). Events of less than 24 players are still free. Access to the system for players is still free
Text formatting is removed when pasting in lists from 3rd party apps
Up next and voting options available at the top of all screens for players rather than going to the home page to access them
Export players feature for bulk email and housekeeping
Duplicate tournaments to run with the same settings
Users identify their country on account registration
Gaming club database live updates from player entries
Gaming club live query during player registration
Alert added to 'Publish Lists' feature to warn TO's about when to toggle the feature
Add multiple TOs using their email
Multiple game systems added including:
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry
Warhammer 40K: Kill Team
Bolt Action
Blood Bowl
Battle Tech
Star Wars Legion
Star Wars Shatterpoint
Star Wars Xwing
Star Wars Armada
Flames of War
A Song of Ice and Fire
Warhammer: 30K The Horus Heresy
Warhammer Underworlds
Warhammer: The Old World
Kings of War
Sep 2023
Updates for TO's:
Create and manage your own events.
Add players to your event (people with registered accounts will be added while new users will be emailed and asked to create an account).
Make score adjustments for players directly from the ladder screen.
View how the tournament points have been calculated by clicking the calculator icon next to each player on the ladder.
Sort your event by any of the variables you have set up (wins, total score) to determine your podium.
Malifaux game system added.
Updates for Players & Spectators:
Search for events by country.
Easy home screen navigation featuring your events.
Jul 2023
TO's can swap any matchup/opponent in any round and the system will automatically adjust the affected players with new matchups.
Teams event support added including tracking matchups, individual game results and overall team scores that can be determined using any combination of mechanisms from W/D/L to differential or VP.
Add registered players to teams for recording matchups and game results.
Built in auto-win if facing the bye-buster/gumby.
Doubles event support added allowing you to pair up duos for matchups.
SAGA and SAGA 2.0 game systems added.
Conquest LAOK and First Blood game systems added.
Mar 2023
Added country option to handle UK, NZ and USA tournaments
Tournament date/time fields display are all local time
Added in Game Type (current options are AoS, 40K, MCP)
Army options are linked to Game Type and hidden if not relevant
Display the battleplan for selected round on the Tournament > Round tab.
Upcoming tournaments are now sorted in ascending date order.
Added in ability for TO to add one off score adjustments (penalty/bonus) against a player (eg. late list submission penalty).
Fixed issue where Major Only result type was not saved on first attempt.
Changed name of Major Only to W/D/L.
Added in fair play scoring options for each match
Fair play scores included in "Favourite Opponent" column on ladder.
Sort tournaments on player home page so that past tournaments are listed last
Fixed issue where favourite army/player voting options could be changed by player after tournament completion.
Added round time limit to tournament summary page.
Ladder is now hidden from players after the final round until TO clicks Publish Results.
Added favourite player as a tie-break option
Feb 2023
Tournament edit page has most of the settings on there (still need the favourite player options)
Added 2nd tie-breaker option
You can now choose Strength of Schedule as a scoring option in the tie-breaker fields
Battle plans and hobby options there
Restructured the page a bit - should all make sense
Applied new colour theme - let me know how it looks / if too colourful
Can add Showdown matches in final round
Also included button to delete showdown and grudge matches as that wasn't possible before
Added ability for TO’s to edit any prior round results
Added an option for TO/admin to regenerate ladder on the ladder screen
Jan 2023
Official launch of Stats & Ladders.